Gender Pay Gap

Words: 1253
Pages: 6

In the realm of contemporary society, the gender pay gap is a persistent inequality and systemic bias. Across various industries, disparities in earnings between men and women persist, creating debates surrounding gender equity and workplace fairness. Therefore, this paper seeks to investigate the complexities of the gender pay gap. Principally, it will accomplish this by offering an analysis of its historical basis. In addition, an examination of divergent perspectives will be conducted. Lastly, an exploration of avenues for resolution will be conducted. Overall, understanding the factors contributing to the gender pay gap and the implications it holds for society can be achieved by scrutinizing the multifaceted nature of this issue. The Issue The gender pay gap is a challenge in modern …show more content…
Principally, women face barriers to education and employment opportunities to enable equal participation in the labor market (Blau & Kahn, 2017). Fundamentally, gender roles limit women to domestic responsibilities. As a result, women were confined to low paying jobs, therefore reinforcing stereotypes (Goldin, 2014). In addition, the Industrial Revolution and subsequent feminism waves shifted societal attitudes. Essentially, women began to enter male-dominated industries such as manufacturing and clerical work (Mincer & Polachek, 1974). However, gender-based wage differentials fueled discriminatory practices. Moreover, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 sought to address these disparities by prohibiting gender wage discrimination (United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n.d.). However, the gap persisted, demonstrating the economic and social factors that shape the labor market. Today, the gender pay gap creates ongoing debates surrounding workplace equity. Principally, the gap has narrowed, however, the issue persists across industries, demonstrating the need to address inequalities (Blau & Kahn,