Gender Pay Gap

Words: 778
Pages: 4

Is the gender pay gap a thing? To answer that question, yes, this issue has been occurring since 1960, and feminists and other groups have experienced a situation where men in today's world get paid more than women. The gender pay gap has causes, consequences, and workable solutions for this horrific issue. The gender pay gap, where women get chipped out of money for doing the same job as men, is an issue that must be heard as it addresses biases, workplace discrimination, and barriers that limit women's economic opportunities and growth.

Segregation in the workplace is one of the reasons why women are in lesser-paid fields and positions than men. According to Rakesh Kochhar, “In 2022, American women typically earned 82 cents for every dollar earned by men” (Kochhar). This illustrates that women are looked at differently due to discrimination, which affects women's earnings. With that being said, the biases that are made against women made the hiring but also the promotion jobs, which are based on stereotyping, difficult for women to have opportunities for more
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Therefore, it is essential to include a fair salary system, as it provides strict monitoring of employees to ensure that individuals are being paid what they deserve. Another solution is to enforce the Equal Pay Act. By enforcing this act in the workplace, it allows everyone to work the same job, and no matter the gender, you will get paid the same amount as everyone else. For example, a male manager will get paid the same amount as a female manager; they would not get two different salaries just because of their gender. Furthermore, feminists highlight the importance of training for employers. Within this training, it will explain what prejudice is, as well as discrimination and hiring