Gender Pay Gaps

Words: 1959
Pages: 8

Kamil malone
Dr. Kara Mollis
Paper #2
May 1st 2018
Socialist feminists was a feminist movement that rose in the 1960 and 1970 that focus on the connection of the patriarchy and capitalism. They argue that liberation can only be achieved by working to end both the economic and cultural sources of women's oppression. Gender norms in america are viewed as masculinity being dominant and femininity being subordinate. This leads into the workplace and contributes to the lack of gender diversity and the impact it has on the gender pay gap. In my paper I will be using a socialist feminist perspective, particularly its focus on the gender pay gap, to discuss ways is there a lack of gender diversity in the workplace, how does this contribute to the
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Even though men outnumber women two to one by the first move up the management ladder, women of color are less likely to get promotions and more likely to have never interacted with senior leaders. While facts shows that women hold just one fifth of top roles, less 4% of senior jobs is made up of women of color. the workplace is tilted against women. Being in a patriarchy system in the workplace, men are less committed to gender diversity and they also don’t fully grasp the barriers that hold women back at work. Being in a world where white men are majority leaders, companies can take the one size fits all approach to advancing women. But for women of color thy can feel underserved and left …show more content…
Three acts that were create workplace cover certain segments of the american population and can still do more. The Paycheck fairness act, it would expand the scope of the Equal Pay Act for employers to follow the law, strengthen penalties for violation, enhance federal efforts and prohibit retaliation against workers asking about wage practices. The Pay Equity for All Act would prohibit employers from asking about the wages of a prospective employee before making a job offer. The Fair Pay Act would require employers to provide equal pay for work of equal value, whether or not the jobs are the same. This legislation addresses equal pay for women working in female-dominated jobs equivalent to jobs traditionally dominated by men. We are all individual living in different part of America, experience things differently, we may be all different but we are all human beings trying to work for what we love and work for what we want. It shouldn't be hard to get treated the same in the