Glass Ceiling Research Paper

Words: 1040
Pages: 5

Throughout history, men have always been represented, and several cultures around the world are male-oriented. Many have wondered the origin of this inequality. Some people point to religion, many of whom have a distinct preference for men. Some look to science, stating that men and women are biologically different. Whatever the cause is, there is no denying that men and women are just different. They have different ways of communication and completely different brains. This difference has created a lot of controversy amongst society, especially in the United States, where it is engraved in our minds that we are all equal, regardless of sex, race, and any other defining characteristic. This sense of inequality has bled into the workplace, where women feel like they are not treated as equals. Numerous people …show more content…
This has caused the glass ceiling to evolve into a “Labyrinth of Leadership” or a maze of leadership. This idea highlights and acknowledges the fact that women are not only blocked when they are not the top, but also along the way to the top. The first “checkpoint” of the maze according to the Sara Martin, associated with American Psychological Association, is conflicting expectations. Martin describes this checkpoint as, “When women are in leading roles, people expect them to have the qualities of both leader and women, but that can require a complex balancing act.” (Martin, 2007). Martin also claims that, “women typically have more domestic responsible than men, they are usually the ones to cut back their work hours or abandon jobs when a couple decides to have children.”(Martin 2007), describing this as another checkpoint in the maze. The last major checkpoint is the fact that women, “also undermine themselves by not talking up their accomplishments.” (Martin 2007). These major checkpoints are what makes up the “Labyrinth of