Gun Violence In Schools Research Paper

Words: 786
Pages: 4

We have a lot of issues around the world right now. With war and pollution to income and cost of living. There is something much more controversial and hurtful to talk about. Gun violence in schools has been a big issue since the 90’s and still is this day nothing has really happened about it. Parents are confused and concerned about where to send their child to school, just because some people want to keep guns on them for protection. If guns were banned in a way that only people older than 30 can get them, then would it help the schooling systems be more protected and parents would feel safer sending their kids to school?

On average from 1970 to 2020 the age of school shooters was 17 years old. That is so young for a child to get hold of
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Adults give out guns to try to make their kids seem tough and scary. At the end of the day, who is the toughest one? The kid sitting in the hospital because he got shot and he is fighting for his life? Or the kid who shot 20 people because he wanted to make himself feel like he is the boss and the toughest person alive and is now sitting in prison for life. Even though they get punished and go to jail, what happens to the people who get PTSD from it? What happens to the kids who get shot and never want to go to school again? What is the 'Standard' then? Even though we can send these people to jail, it will not stop the fear that hundreds of people have sending their kids to school. School is supposed to be the safest place for kids to learn and grow into adults, but now? Kids fear going to school. That should not be a good thing. If we stop giving kids guns or even stop making it so easy for people to buy guns, some problems will be solved. If they required only certain people to get them if they were above a certain age, it would bring the percentage down a lot. If there were more background checks and health checks, it would bring the percentages down a lot. There are so many things we can do as a country to bring the percentages down, but no one seems to know anything that will just stop