Gun Violence Research Paper

Words: 1046
Pages: 5

"Why Gun Violence is Related to Mental Health” Putting aside mental health could lead to a mistake in society that we can't afford to make. Just like ignoring a warning sign on a highway or road that could lead to a wrong turn. Not noticing mental health issues might take us into something we don't want to deal with, like leading to violence. Mental health and gun violence are pressing issues in America, with frequent mass shootings. The link between untreated mental health problems and gun violence is undeniable. Without support, individuals may resort to extreme actions, including suicide or mass shootings, as they deal with unresolved mental health challenges. Different kinds of mental health causes gun violence.

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Very credible sources like colleges, and government divisions have shown that mass shootings and violence are related to mental health. Some studies show that the presence of mass shooters has other problems like drinking or smoking, which too much could lead to depression leading to mental health and violence. People do say that mental health is not related to gun violence, but it is, research has shown that it is related to mental health. People try to put it down, but our side of the argument has more facts to show that mental health is related to gun violence. 60% of mass shooters have major mental illnesses and haven't gotten help, or been diagnosed by a doctor. This shows how mental health is related to gun violence by doing studies to prove that around 60% of mass shooters do have mental illness and haven't gotten help, which has led them to violence. Many different kinds of studies have shown that mental health is related to violence; some do not want to believe the facts produced. There are many studies to determine if mental health is related to gun violence. Epidemiological studies have shown an association between having a mental illness and being involved in crime or violence. This also shows how epidemiological studies are now showing the link between mental illness and being involved in crime or violence relating to mass shootings. Some people do say that mental health is not related to gun violence, but facts show it