Gun Violence Research Paper

Words: 766
Pages: 4

Taking actions on gun violence is the voice of America’s society. Of course, the United States is not the only country that have experienced in mass shootings, but it is the only country where citizens have the right to bear arms. Nowadays, terrorism is becoming more and more serious; many terrorists disguised themselves as civilians and joined terrorist activities. For example, in June of 2016 a nightclub call Pulse, which is one of the biggest nightclubs in Orlando, was holding a Latin-themed event that was nearing its end when a man opened fire. The gunman, Omar Mateen, who was carrying an automatic rifle and a handgun, exchanged fire near the entrance with a police officer who was working at the nightclub. Eventually, the gunman was …show more content…
Although many people struggle with gun control, but gun violence still happens everywhere and effects the public safety. Moreover, the impact of gun violence is even more pronounced among teenagers and young adults. This is a very dangerous signal for our community. In February of 2018 a lone gunman went on a shooting rampage and killed seventeen students and staff members of a Douglas High School in southeastern Florida. Nikolas Cruz, nineteen years old, a former student, confessed to carrying out the shooting rampage. He was armed with two semi-automatic had guns and an assault rifle. After a sad day, the officials have begun going through Cruz's social media accounts and have found "disturbing" posts; In the weeks after, the gun sales in Florida spiked which is not the result that was expected and holds a problem in itself. But, however, high gun sales rates still put our community and public safely at risk, and the failure of parents to keep their guns away from children is a potential risk as well. The way to maintain safety in and around the neighborhood is not to have everyone stockpile guns. Gun restrictions will allow people to go through their lives everyday with a priceless feeling of safety for them and their family. If people couldn't feel safety with their neighborhood, of course they would feel dangerous outside their community as well. If there is no gun sold into a potentially life-threatening situation such as a family with many children or with someone who has a history of violent acts, then the chance of an incident involving a firearm is totally