Hamilton Lin-Manuel Miranda Made

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Pages: 2

In creating the musical Hamilton, Lin-Manuel Miranda made several deliberate choices in his portrayal of historical events and characters to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with modern audiences. By selectively emphasizing, omitting, and adapting information from primary and secondary sources, Miranda was able to shape the audience's understanding of the characters and time period depicted in the musical.

One of the primary choices Miranda made was to prioritize the personal and emotional aspects of Hamilton's life over the strictly historical details. In the musical, Miranda focuses on Hamilton's relationships, ambitions, and internal struggles, rather than providing a comprehensive account of his political and military accomplishments. This choice allows the audience to connect with Hamilton on a more personal level, humanizing him and making his story more relatable. For example, Miranda emphasizes Hamilton's immigrant status and his desire to prove himself, as seen in the song "My Shot," where Hamilton sings, "I'm not throwing away my shot / I'm not throwing away my shot / Hey yo, I'm just like my country, I'm young, scrappy, and hungry / And I'm not throwing away my shot." This portrayal of Hamilton as a driven, ambitious
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For instance, the musical does not delve deeply into the complex political rivalries and power struggles that characterized the early American government. While these events were undoubtedly important in shaping the nation, Miranda likely felt that focusing too heavily on them would have distracted from the central story of Hamilton's life and legacy. By selectively omitting these details, Miranda was able to maintain a tighter focus on the personal and emotional aspects of the characters, which ultimately enhances the audience's understanding and engagement with the