He wants the two to correlate through developing an equilibrium that promotes a better balance so that more people can express their intelligence, rather than neglect those with street smarts. It does not help them when literature, such as texts written by Shakespeare and Plato, are heavily enforced by schools to analyze because they are so uninterested that they cannot focus on the texts enough to do the work. He explains that “we associate the educated life, the life of the mind, too narrowly and exclusively with subjects and texts that we consider inherently weighty” (244). In other words, Graff challenges that society’s view of intelligence is too directly related to school subjects like literature and history. Most do not consider the idea that subjects like cars or games could cultivate critical thinking skills that schools try to teach. Our culture views these topics on a lower scale in comparison with what is the traditional liberal arts ideal curriculum because of how our education system currently runs. Overall, they rely too much on the literature and subjects themselves rather than the formation of debates and conversations among