High School Goals

Words: 816
Pages: 4

Last year was such a disaster! Instead of focusing on school, I focused more on my social life. My friends and sports came before my grades, but this year it is going to be different! My end to my eighth grade year is going to be awesome by improving my study habits, time management and class participation skills. Being in my final year of middle school, I have to reach my goals by improving skills such as study habits, time management and class participation. This will not only help me become a successful student and reach my goals for the end of eighth grade, but also prepare me for high school. In the past, I listened in class and did my work but always failed my tests. Looking back at that, I realized it was because I lacked in studying. One of my three goals to become successful in 2018 is to work on these study habits and ace the tests. At the end of the school day, I usually go home and do my homework. But what …show more content…
I usually get good grades in all my classes, but the thing that has always brought my grade down has been class participation. This school year I plan on answering more in class by raising my hand or even asking questions. Last year if I did not understand something, I did not ask questions which also hurt my grade. If I do not understand something I am going to ask questions this way I am prepared for tests and I can get a good grade. Doing this will not only help me reach my goal, but also improve on some of my grades. Working on class participation will also help me be more focused. There were times last year where I was tired or zoned off so I got called on and did not know the answer. This year, a goal is to know the material we are learning in class so I can answer the questions and actually know the answers instead of guessing or getting called on randomly. By looking at past experiences, my goals this year will help me become a successful eighth grader and have an effective