Beginning of Class
On the way to class, use the bathroom, drink water, put things away in lockers, etc. Do not come to class and ask to be dismissed to go to the bathroom, and then call yourself
“on time”.
Do not enter the room until the previous class has been dismissed, and I welcome you in
(read the sign on the door).
Arrive in the hallway, put backpacks, electronics, coats and sports equipment down in the hallway or along the keyboards in the music class.
If you are late to class, I will need a note from you explaining why you are late, with a faculty, staff or nurse's signature.
Bring only your body and a pencil into class. No food. No gum.
If your class has a 2 hour block, you will get a break during the two periods to revive yourself. DO NOT USE THIS TIME TO CHECK THINGS ON YOUR “TECHNOLOGY”.
Please return from your break immediately to start the next block on time!
Once in the classroom
Sit quietly and wait for further instructions.
During Class
Listen First.
Interruptions or distractions will cause delay in what we need to do for the day. Keep the chatter to a minimum so we can move on the the music games at the end of class (if time permits). Respect your classmates and the teacher.
Always put your name on your worksheets!
Work quietly, and with confidence. You may chat with your classmate NEXT to you, but
not across the room.
Students should be in their seats and not walking around.
Work ethics and grading/shading:
25% Music Theory 25% Music History * 25% Garageband (7th, 8th and 9th grade)
* 25% Recorder Performance (5/6th grade) 25% Classroom Etiquette (which