“land between the 2 rivers”
2 rivers= Tigris & Euthretes supply of grain very reliable
Alluvial Theocracy – annual flooding of the soil, more silt; system of government controlled by religion
Ancient Egypt
Fertile crescent?
In the valley of the Nile River
Modern nation of Egypt is very different than ancient Egypt
Longest lasting of any major early civilization (~3K years)
Continued as independent state and then taken over by romas in 30 BCE
Around the area, there is no towns or civilization because no water unlike Nile River
Believed they were ruled by gods & divine figures—pharohs (sequence of dynastys- gov controlled by family group) matrilineal (status of pharoh was passed through line of mother NOT father) – why marry brothers would marry sisters
Besides Cleopatra only 1 pharoh of Egypt that was a women
All economic power laid in the dynasties themselves and their advisors—vast majority were slaves
Place in society is ordained by the gods so no chance to change social status
In comparison
Very rich & wealthy
1st to have money based economy (gold) rather than trade lots of trade (with india and maybe china) wasn’t a military superpower, rich enough that they didn’t need to conquer anybody kind of a crossroads—between the area of the fertile crescent and Africa
Nubia: South of Egypt—nobody cared what your ethnicity or color of skin was
They built really big things—great engineers PYRAMIDS OMG
Pyramids of Giza, built a long time ago
Grave sites for pharohs—tombs
Seen by ancient Egyptians as connecting points from this world to another world (went to under world)
2. Ancient India
Alluvial Theocracy
Longest lasting continuous civilization in the world
South Asia—modern day- india Pakistan, bangaldesh, Nepal, sri lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan,-- very diverse
18 official languages
Hinduism and Buddhism got their start
Center of the old world
Not been unified politically
1. Indus Valley indus river mostly based in Pakistan hindu kush next to the Himalayas only found in the 1920s not a lot of archaeological research no one has been able to decipher writing system
Cities: Harappa, Mohenjo- Daro
Like Egypt great engineers—focused of efficiency and quality of life
Indoor plumbing
Built inside walls, for