How Reading Changed My Life

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Pages: 4

Hello! I am excited to be back in your class this year, though I am not as excited to be back in school. This summer was one of the greatest summers of my life, and I was not ready to give it up. I spent a week with my grandparents, and we pretty much toured Rhode Island. I loved spending time with them and it was also cool to see where I was born. On November 15, 2002, I was born into the world in Newport, Rhode Island (My dad was stationed there). I soon moved to Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, where I grew up, with amazing memories. I love traveling and if I could I would travel the world, but my ultimate dream is to see the northern lights. As I grow up, I have been changing a lot, and I am almost an entirely new person, since I was last in your 6th grade ELA class. This year I hope to accomplish many goals, academically, and outside of school as well. As an 8th grader, I have started to read just the slightest bit more and begun to feel more comfortable writing, but I still love speaking just like I used to.
Though I still wouldn't choose to read in my free time, I have begun to hate it less. I have never been a big reader and because I had a different teacher for reading in 6th grade, you never really knew my stance on it. I personally don’t feel that reading is the most fun thing to do, but I will admit to
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That is one thing that has not changed that much since I was last in your class. I will always be the one to raise my hand and ask a question or stand up and present for my group. Even just talking to you for fun is something I enjoy. Speaking is something that I never struggle with, and I feel that is why I love it so much. Listening on the other hand is something that I need a little bit of work on. I get bored very easily, and then I distract myself and don’t always listen. I am trying to work on that though and don’t worry, I usually listen in