Hunting Research Paper

Words: 566
Pages: 3

For tens of thousands of years humans hunted to survive. We got our food, shelter, clothing, and tools from the animals we killed. However some people still hunt primarily for food. Just because we no longer need to hunt for survival doesn't mean that hunting is no longer necessary. Hunting wildlife or feral animals is most commonly done by humans for food and to remove predators that are dangerous to humans or domestic animals or for trade. Lawful hunting is distinguished from poaching which is the illegal killing trapping or capture of the hunted species. Hunting is an important management tool. For example hunting helps limit deer browse in agricultural areas and deer-car collisions. Hunting may also help your garden from getting eaten by deer. …show more content…
Most of the animals we hunt are foxes, wolves, and porcupines. We also hunted deer and bison too and weird fish. The objective of hunting is to bring home game meat. More than 100 million animals are reported killed by hunters each year. That number does not include the millions of animals which were killed figures are not maintained by state wildlife agencies. Hunting programs also cause wildlife overpopulation by maintaining buck only hunts which result in a low number of does and also by annihilating predators to increase the number of prey. 1973's Endangered Species Act was created largely as a result of the animal extinction caused by hunting. Wildlife management is the art and science of reaching goals by manipulating and maintaining wildlife habitats and populations. Wildlife conservation is the attempt to protect endangered animal and plant species, along with their natural habitat. The main objective is to make sure that their habitats will be preserved so that the future generations of both wildlife and human can enjoy