Industrialization DBQ

Words: 777
Pages: 4

Prompt: Evaluate the effects of industrialization on U.S. society in the years 1865 to 1900.

Contextualization: The industrial revolution was fostered by new technological changes that revolutionized how economies produced goods. Industrialization took place in the U.S. in two different periods: the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution. The first industrial revolution was centered around clothing and textiles, mainly produced in factory mills where women and children worked. The second industrial revolution revolved around the production of steel, chemicals, electricity, and power. Although the two industrial revolutions varied in the new technologies that they produced, they both greatly affected the U.S. in society.
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Kepler’s political cartoon displays a Senate room where the people who hold the most power and authority are the wealthy businessmen who have grown rich from the industrial revolution (Document 3). Due to the businessmen’s presence, the entrance for common people in politics has been prohibited. The intended purpose of the cartoon is to display the effect that the industrial revolution had on the growing middle class, making them successful and powerful beyond belief that they had altered the American ideals of democracy in politics. Common people were angered over this insurgence of authority and resented the wealthy elites for their rich, extravagant displays of wealth. Andrew Carnegie responded to this matter by encouraging wealthy men to utilize their money in a way that would benefit the community best, rather than squander the money on unnecessary matters (Document 4). These two documents best represent the growing authority and wealth of the middle class, preceded and caused by the industrial