Jefferson Vs Hamilton Research Paper

Words: 553
Pages: 3

The two-party system came to be after a long line of disagreement between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. Many people saw what was best for their country in different ways; they fought over what to do for the economy and how the people in charge of the government should handle things. The founders of these two parties' ideas came from Hamilton with the Federalist and Jefferson with the anti-federalist party. Hamilton favored a strong central government that would benefit those of high status and merchants; his ideas created the Federalist Party. Jefferson was more for a weak central government and was more focused on the state's power. The different views of Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson led to the rise of the two-party system. Jefferson and Hamilton both supported the …show more content…
Hamilton aimed to establish a centralized government, without states having a voice in the government. (Thomas Jefferson) “A constitution had been adopted for the commonwealth, but it was distressingly less democratic than the one Jefferson had drafted and dispatched to Williamsburg”. Jefferson supported the Constitution but feared a branch would have too much power over the other branches. Hamilton and Jefferson had different interpretations of the Constitution. Hamilton favored a flexible interpretation that gave more power to the government, while Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation that limited the power of each branch so they would be equal. Promoting economic growth was one thing that both Hamilton and Jefferson shared, but they had different ideas in mind for how to grow the economy. Both recognized the challenge of state debt and proposed different solutions. Hamilton saw fit to create a bank and he believed that the bank would stabilize the economy's wealth. Ron Chernow “Hamilton plans to pay off that debt to face value”. Hamilton supported a united economy to pay off Revolutionary War