Jefferson Vs Hamilton Research Paper

Words: 845
Pages: 4

The constitution is still known to be interpreted in different ways that lead to the major division of different political views. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton both took part in the shaping of the United States through their work as founding fathers. How each of the two men grasped the constitution has divided the American population into a two-party system that still exists today. While both Jefferson and Hamilton valued the freedom of the new country, they significantly disagreed on how to resolve issues such as public debt and the foundation of economics in America. Both Jefferson and Hamilton sought to resolve the United States’s issues with public debt and credit during their service in government. The two men centered most of their issues around the division of power …show more content…
Supporting the slave trade, Republicans acquiring the south consisted mostly of agricultural components. The Federalist Party, Hamilton’s founding party, focused more on a market economy. Jefferson believed that the country would prosper by having “small, self-sufficient, family-run farms” all across the country, known as his “agrarian ideal” (“Thomas”). Although this did work for America, Hamilton focused on helping “the rudiments of a modern economy” and was a “passionate abolitionist” against the beliefs of the Jefferson administration (Chernow). This emphasizes the main difference between the two parties, as Jefferson supports the individual over the government, unlike Hamilton. Each of the plans favored a different type of government control. There were multiple plans made by each party to support their beliefs about how much control the government should have. Another plan made by Hamilton was the Report on a National Bank submitted to Congress. The plan was that “the bank could issue paper notes as legal tender for all debts owed to the United States,” but the problem was that “the bank would function under a charter”