Hamilton Vs Jefferson Research Paper

Words: 672
Pages: 3

People have different opinions and see things from different perspectives. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton, both important people who helped construct the Constitution of the United States. Jefferson was the Secretary of State, and Hamilton was the Secretary of Treasury. After the revolution, they both had goals for the United States. Jefferson and Hamilton both shared the idea that they wanted a strong independent and an economic development of the country, however their ways of achieving these goals differed. Jefferson and Hamilton had the objective that they wanted to diminish national debt and create a stable economy. However, Jefferson wanted an agriculture based economy, and Hamilton wanted an industry based economy and open a bank. They had …show more content…
Jefferson and Hamilton had different ways they wanted to stabilize the economy. (Chernow)“Jefferson was fond of summoning up idyllic scenes of an agrarian America. Peopled by sturdy yeoman farmers.he wanted to foster the rudiments of a modern economy–trade, commerce, banks, stock exchanges, factories and corporations-to enlarge economic opportunity’’. Jefferson wanted a more decentralized economy with it depending on agriculture while Hamilton wanted to open a bank, promote industry and trade therefore showing that Jefferson and Hamilton had distinct ways they wanted to manage the economy with. Even though Jefferson and Hamilton both had the objective to stabilize the economy, they did not have the same plan for what they were going to do in order to get there. Jefferson and Hamilton both shared the idea that the Constitution could be ratified for a strong independent United States. Jefferson believed in a strict government, and Hamilton believed in a more decentralized