John F. Kennedy's Assassination

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Pages: 4

In 1960 John F. Kennedy was elected as president of the United States using his public figure and influence over America to beat of Republican candidate Richard Nixon. In the following years during his presidency John F. Kennedy would bring forward many ideas and projects including the Peace Corps and The Alliance of Treaty that would not only help the United States internally but also on a more global scale. Kennedy would come to be viewed as one of the most influential and positive president to ever command over the United states, however, all of this is often not noticed as the presidency of John F. Kennedy is often blocked by a much darker event, being his assassination. In early November while visiting Dallas Texas for his reelection campaign …show more content…
Kennedy grew up in, and the people that he grew up around, shaped the person that he would become as president. His caring family and friends helped his ideals as he became an important figure to the world. John F. Kennedy was born on May 29th, 1917, in Brookline Massachusetts.2 He grew up in a small home with multiple brothers and sisters who would all grow up to be very influential people to the USA.3 John F. Kennedy grew up as any normal kid would, he was a very mediocre student, who would often prefer girls and sports to doing actual work.4 Despite his father's harsh treatment and rules he continued to get into trouble.5 Although, his father was very tough on him they still had a very strong relationship with one another, a family friend of the Kennedys once said, “Most fathers in those days simply weren't that interested in what their children did. But Joe Kennedy knew what his kids were up to all the time.”6 Not only did his families closeness impact his future but he was also born into a family of politicians. His grandpa, John E. Fitzgerald, was a skilled politician, who once served as the mayor of Boston.7 The people that surrounded John F, Kennedy as he grew up supported him to a very successful and positive …show more content…
Kennedy used his popularity as president to attempt to run for a second term as president. Kennedy, was already known for being a good public figure due to his previous election in 1960. In 1960 Kennedy ran against his vice president Richard Nixon, and this was the first elections the candidates would have to appeal to voters through the television.8 Kennedy, knowing he was a major public figure, challenged Nixon to public debates, and although he was advised against it Nixon agreed. Before the debate began Kennedy discussed camera angles with the producer so he could wear the best color clothes and make himself look the best he possibly could. These tactics worked as Kennedy was now a huge figure on a national scale, which would carry over into his reelection campaign.9 He used his global ideas of world peace and security, as well as internal ideas of education and civil rights, to please all the voters in the United States.10 “ Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”11 John F. Kennedy said, as this was the main idea of his reelection, if you provide for you country, then it will do the same thing back for you. John F. Kennedy told potential voters that if you work hard for your country, in return Education, and national security should be provided to you. John F. Kennedy would be running against the Republican party candidate Barry Goldwater, Kennedy knew that if