My whole life I have heard the saying that kids will be forever be kids and don’t know the right between the things that are right and wrong. In recent discussion of On Punishment and Teen Killers controversial issue has been whether juveniles should stay in juvenile hall or sent to prison. Advocates argue that juveniles should stay in juvenile hall not adult prison “juvenile advocates …show more content…
Tristen committed a serious crime I think the sentence that Tristen got was not enough I think he should've gotten life in prison since he took the life away from another human being. The Wayne County district attorney said “ "that a criminal homicide charge be first directly filed in adult court by the prosecutor regardless of the age of the perpetrator,"(Sanchez). I think the case of Tristen shows why juveniles commit big crime should be tried as adults not juvenile. Another case that proves why juveniles should be processed as adults is the Dino Thompson case Dino was 17 when he committed the crime that put him in jail Dino 17 shot 13 year old Ashton Harting in the middle of the night. Dino had committed small crimes in the past but not as serious as the one he committed. According to the police report someone told police “ he was a member of gangs”(King and Disis ). People like Dino should be try as adults because we can’t have gangster around the streets killing people and getting away with it or getting