Lord of the Flies: Chapter Summary Essay

Submitted By Matteoa98
Words: 520
Pages: 3

Chapter 10
The conch represents what remains of the boys civilized nature. Whenever the conch is blown the boys immediately run toward it and respect whoever has it. It allows them to “call an assembly” (Golding 156). Eventually, as civilization falls as the boys become less structured and more savage the conch loses it's power.
They lie about their part in Simon’s death because they didn’t want to admit that it “was murder” (Golding 156).
Wilfred is tied up to a tree and beaten, but he is punished for no reason. Jack did it as a display of his new power. It makes the others think “he’s a proper cheif” (Golding 159).
Jack denies that he killed Simon. To distract the boys from Simon he said the “came disguised” (Golding 160), and it could come back disguised as something else so they need to be on their guard.

Chapter 11
Ralph thinks it isn't right that Jack and the hunters stole Piggy's glasses, and they should give his “glasses” (Golding 171) back because it's the right thing to do.
At first, they let out a “shivering, silvery, unreal laughter of the savages” (Golding 178), until Jack began to shout orders, at which point they fell silent. Jack ordered them to take Samneric prisoner.
They “were curious to hear what amusing thing he might have to say” (Golding 180). Roger let loose the boulder, and it threw Piggy off the cliff and killed him. His body washed out to sea.
Roger advanced upon them as one wielding a nameless authority. This shows that Roger is becoming the leader over Jack simply because of the violence he displays. He was eager to inflict pain on Samneric as “Samneric lay looking up in quiet terror” (Golding 182).

Chapter 12
During the evening after Piggy’s death Ralph climbed the side of Castle Rock while Samneric were on guard duty and they told him about Jack's plans.