Malala described her and her classmates’ struggles for their right of an education, according to an article called, “Pakistani Schoolgirl Campaigner”, by Rob Crilly, “In it, she described how her terrified (all female) classmates were forced to hide books under their shawls and lived in fear of having acid thrown in their faces.” The point of feminism is to make women equal; to fight for these girls who are too scared to even crack open a book. Some girls are too scared to even go to school, in fear of being raped or killed. In the article, “The Worst Places in the World to be a Woman”, by CBS News, it lists the top countries in the world that are the most hateful/violent to their women. Atop of their list, was third world country, Congo: “Congo was put atop the list because of the staggering level of sexual violence in the country -- a product of years of war and humanitarian disasters. As many as 400,000 women are raped there annually.” Women are afraid of walking down the streets, because a man who has no idea was consent is, will claim her, and there is nothing she can do to stop it. In fact, mostly all the men cheer on this kind of behavior towards women. Feminists everywhere stand up to fight for the women who can’t fight the sexism by themselves -- as they would do vice