Mandatory Vaccination Research

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Pages: 7

The discussion on the inclusion of unvaccinated children in school settings is fueled by divergent beliefs about individual rights and public health mandates. Supporters of the law contend that it protects the rights of parents and safeguards religious and philosophical convictions. On the other hand, those against the bill argue that vaccination is the key to building public immunity and that the safety of the community should never be compromised. The best approach is to be able to reconcile the two antagonistic parts of the issue in a way that allows both the preservation of individual liberties and the maximization of social welfare. The discourse on compulsory vaccination requirements in educational settings involves a complex balancing …show more content…
The second reason why children who do not have vaccines should be allowed in nurseries and schools is religious and philosophical freedom. Some religious or philosophical principles may be so sacred to families that they refuse to vaccinate. Ordering the immunization of pupils as the necessary condition for getting an education can be an infringement of the right to freedom of religion and choice that these legal systems provide. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion, which shields individuals from the government's meddling or influence on their religious statements (Muoz). Vaccination is not just a medical issue for most families, but also a matter of intellectual and/or spiritual views. Imposing the vaccine as a requirement to get an education will force people to tell how much their beliefs can be against access to vital services like education. Non-vaccinated children can be accommodated in daycares and schools to respect the diversity of religious and philosophical beliefs present in society and this will lead to a culture of tolerance and …show more content…
Disease outbreaks in an educational environment can be very destructive, causing school interruptions, medical measures, and distraction of academic progress. Permitting non-vaccinated kids to participate in this activity, increases the risk of serious and wide-scale outbreaks that can endanger the health and safety of the broader community. Public health concerns are critical and as a result, vaccination should be mandatory for daycares and school attendance. Inclusibility is equally vital, but it should be aligned with the primary goals to protect the safety and the well-being of the community. Permitting non-vaccinated kids to enter daycares and schools raises the chances of communicable spreading; thus, the health and safety of immunocompromised individuals like infants, the elderly, etc. are not a concern. Numerous cases of vaccine-preventable diseases, for instance, measles and pertussis, have been reported in communities with low uptake of vaccines causing increased morbidity and mortality