Mandatory Vaccination Research Paper

Words: 2889
Pages: 12

The Ethics of Mandatory Vaccinations for Healthcare Workers Nurses are at high risk of exposure to diseases and viruses because they work around sick patients. When a nurse enters an ill patient's room, he/she may be exposed to a myriad of pathogens, and if they are a susceptible host, they risk spreading it to those who are susceptible, and they risk becoming sick themselves. Vaccinations are available to help nurses and patients build antibodies against these pathogens, and some have been made compulsory if not mandatory. When a nurse becomes sick and must be out for an extended period, their absence causes an enormous strain on the other nurses on the floor. It is also a significant strain on the patients who are there for medical care due to the shortage in staffing. There is a major ethical issue at play …show more content…
American Nurse Association Position: The way to protect patients and healthcare workers from preventable diseases is through vaccinations. Various provisions of the ANA guidelines state that the nurse practices with compassion and respect for every person's inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes, and the ANA guidelines further state that you should be concerned about your patient and also your needs as a healthcare provider; This all culminates into a tapestry of utilitarianism. American Nurses Association Provision 3 (2015) states, “The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the patient's rights, health, and safety.” In this case, utilitarianism means doing the greatest good for the greatest number of people by getting