Mandatory Vaccination Research Paper

Words: 1130
Pages: 5

Vaccines: Should Vaccinations be Compulsory?

Since Dr. Jenner created the first vaccine ever in the 18th century, mandatory vaccinations have become a debatable topic. It all began when smallpox spread widely across the world, killing many people of all ages, with only a few surviving this deadly disease. British doctor Edward Jenner observed how people infected with cowpox developed an immunity against smallpox (WHO, n.d.). Next, he tested his hypothesis by exposing a child to cowpox. His experiment became a great success, leading to the creation of the first successful vaccine. Although influential figures such as President Thomas Jefferson and Emperor Napoleon were advocates of Jenner’s discovery, many still refused vaccinations for various
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Anti-vaccination movements began to rise in popularity, encouraging many to refuse vaccinations. In response, Massachusetts, in 1808, became the first governing body to impose a mandatory vaccine policy (NPR, 2021). This topic impacts everyone, regardless of age. Diseases such as smallpox and Covid-19 pose a threat to public health. Therefore, vaccinations and their regulations are essential to talk about. The purpose of this research is to explore the benefits and challenges of mandatory vaccines by creating a clear comparison between the supporting argument and the opposing argument. Mandatory vaccination is a highly controversial topic, and it’s very important to address the question of whether vaccines should be compulsory or optional. Hopefully, this research will help answer this question for the overall safety of the …show more content…
They believe that the parent should be able to choose what substance is injected into their child’s body. They also argue that mandatory vaccines will increase the government’s authority over an individual’s health, limiting freedom and personal choice. “Opponents argue that parents should be able to make health care decisions for their own children. It is the parents' responsibility, they charge—not that of the government—to decide what substances are injected into their children's bodies. Vaccine mandates, critics contend, will pave the way for a variety of other governmental intrusions into the arena of personal health" (Facts On File, 2019, para. 9). The syllable of the