Marching Band Research Paper

Words: 576
Pages: 3

I initially joined the marching band because my brother Kory Smith told me to. Though, I didn't think I was the best candidate. I wasn't the finest player and I lacked strength and confidence. However, this program was helpful to me in many ways. Marching band gave me the confidence to break out of my shell. It taught me how to work hard, to be disciplined, and to be dedicated. I met lifelong friends who supported me during my tough times and helped me improve on my instrument. I think I should be selected as section leader so that I can assist everyone, particularly in my section, so they can experience the same joy I felt and so we can become an excellent group. Almost all of the trumpet players are graduating, so I know it will be difficult, …show more content…
From the last season, it was hard being the only female trumpeter. I sometimes felt out of place like I didn't belong, and that set me back from my full potential. I will keep everyone in my section happy as if they belong, so they can reach their full potential. I am a very relatable person, I can be fun and encouraging at times but when needed I can be serious. Marching band isn't just about having fun, there are a lot of times when we need to be quiet, pay attention, and not mess around. As section leader, I will ensure the trumpets are well-behaved by telling them what to do from the start and setting a good example. I know being a leader is not all fame and glory, I have a job to do. My job is to help my section in all ways possible. I will help them read their dot book, proper marching technique, read the music, horn angles, stand at set/standby, help them with stand tunes, inform them of what they need to bring, and much more. I need to make the director's job easier by making sure we are on task. Even after marching season, I will still help out if needed. From going to a practice room to help with their music, to assisting them with non-band-related