I have fallen victim to marketing madness from diet pills to wrinkle creams to the latest work out that guarantees if I followed there program just 20 minutes a day, I would look just like the tiny model on the company's advertising page. We all want that quick fix, to take a pill and get skinny. This is where my story begins.
I was drawn in by all the testimonials and before and after photos. I read all the ingredients which were all natural. I bit the hook and was reeled in. I immediately lost weight. I lost a total of 30 pounds. I weighed 106 pounds when I was admitted in to the hospital for chest pain. I am 5'3 so I was underweight. I had depleted my body of Potassium and almost all Magnesium by drinking too much water. The pills made me very thirsty and the directions said to drink plenty of water. Potassium and magnesium are key electrolytes in keeping your heart