Mass Shooting Research Paper

Words: 1394
Pages: 6

Nearly 4,000 people in the United States have either been killed or injured due to mass shootings. Over the course of fifty years, mass shootings have skyrocketed and led many to believe that there potentially could be a link to why these events have become a repeating pattern over time. While mass shootings have become a growing problem all over the United States, the underlying factor is that many, if not all, of these mass shootings have been caused by men. The majority of these men show red flags before the shooting even takes its course. Whether it is a traumatic childhood, an underlying mental illness, the result of society's unfair expectations, or a mixture of the three factors, many internal and external struggles become heavier and …show more content…
In reference to the year 2022, 1,569 people became deceased and almost 4,000 were directly involved and injured in total shooting incidents. In fact, those numbers do not even include the people who were witnesses to these gut wrenching and devastating outbursts of violence. Prior to the upbringing of mass shootings, many people never even thought twice about assembling into large crowds for events, parties, and even churches. To display how mass shootings have skyrocketed recently, a statistic states that there have been 441 mass shootings from 1966 to 2022, and 170 of them happened between the years 2013 to 2022. Unfortunately, because of the recent rise in mass shootings, fear and distress have been a burden to all people living not only in the areas where shootings have taken place, but all over the nation that we live in today. Right now, 98 percent of mass shootings in the United States are caused by men. These shootings for the most part are spontaneous and can happen almost anywhere, such as school, place of work, or even