Massage Therapy Research Paper

Words: 900
Pages: 4

Pro Wrestlers Use Massage Therapy for Better Performance
Wrestlers are always getting beat down and damaging their bodies. Massage therapists who specialize in sports medicine, like Jarrod Fritz, have claimed that pro wrestlers benefit quite a bit from weekly sessions.
Fritz has actually help many wrestlers over the last 10 years. He claims that massaging certain muscles that athletes seem to use the most can help him alleviate imbalances and injuries, thus allowing the athlete to perform a lot better.
The different between any ordinary massage and sports massage therapy is specific. Ordinary massages are meant to alleviate stress and promote more tranquility, while sports therapy specifically targets the muscular movements an athlete goes
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Now company executive Paul Levesque, also known as Triple H, was the WWE champ at the time. It was Fritz’s first pro wrestling client, and he recalls being very nervous because Levesque was Vince McMahon’s (WWE’s CEO) son-in-law. However, Fitz had worried about nothing, as Levesque was very sociable and intelligent. Fitz recalls the wrestler asking specific questions about how his body was being affected by both injuries and massage.
There were, however, some challenges later on for Fitz. He recalls two other WWE wrestlers who were a bit difficult: Mark Henry and Great Khali. Unfortunately, Khali was from India and didn’t speak English very well, which proved troublesome when Fitz had to communicate with him. However, it seems that in the end, Khali was satisfied with the massage. Mark Henry proved difficult because of his large size, as he used to be an Olympic weightlifter. Fitz had to work side to side in this case, as he could not treat Henry like any average-sized man.
Fritz works with the Old School Championship Wrestling promotion right now, and says almost half of this clients are athletes and wrestlers. He says that they are all pros, however, as many of them are simply amateurs who participate in Cross Fit and