Media's Influence On Body Image

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Pages: 7

The media has always put an emphasis on body image and what the ideal body should look like. Not having the ideal body type could possibly mean a violation to norms. This type of mindset could easily manipulate one’s mind into thinking they have to fit society’s standards on what the body has to look like. Such minds would be those of children. Because of modern day technology, young children are exposed at a time when they become more aware of celebrities and media images — as well as how other kids look and how they want to fit in. Children might feel the need to compare themselves with other people or media images ("images" that are actually Photoshop). All of this has an impact on how children as young as seven or eight feel about themselves and their bodies as they continue to grow into their older years of life. There have been several studies that proves that the media has a strong negative influence on the young minds of children when it comes to having the ideal boy image. This is important because not only does body image have an impact on …show more content…
The results states that “Three quarters of girls and young women aged 11 to 21 said sexism affects most areas of their lives, with many subject to sexual taunting or being at the receiving end of sexist jokes at school, while nine in 10 think women are judged more for their looks than their ability”. The UK girls feel that they are under “inequitable pressure” to maintain a limited amount of beauty. The chief executive of Girlguides, Julie Bentley described body image as being “distressing that our children and girls are feeling a pressure on their physical appearance so young in their lives”. She also feels that children should be “enjoying their childhood and not worrying about what they look like”. Bentley points out that as a child, being on a diet has never even crossed her