Medication or Not Essays

Submitted By georgeclevidence
Words: 364
Pages: 2

Areas of Specialization

|Number |Subjects of study in psychology |Areas of specialization in |Definition and key points of this |Rationale (reason why you matched |Possible research method of study|
| | |psychology (match with below |specialization (be sure to use |this subject of study with this |(experimental, correlational, |
| | |options) |professional sources) |specialization in psychology) |observational, case study, |
| | | | | |interview) and why this one may |
| | | | | |fit the best |
|1 |Studying the causes of aggression in |Social and Personality Psychology | focuses on how people behave in |Because this studies how people |Experimental,you could see how |
| |reaction to others in their environment. | |groups, and how social setting |behave social settings and the |different setting make them react|
| | | |affects the person. |effects of their environment has |. |
| | | | |on them. | |
|2 |Studying the period when a newborn child |Devolopmental |It focuses on life from birth to |Because it is the study of life |Observational, |
| |recognizes his or her parent. |psychology |death. |from start to finish. |by watching is the only way one |
| | | | | |will be able to see when it |
| | | | | |happens. |
|3 |Sharing some research about the best |Industral and Organiztional |They work with emploees |They deal with motovation, |Survey method, |
| |strategies to manage work place stress. |psychology. | |mangament conflict and preformance| |
|4 |Determining which chemical or |Neuropsychology. |Attemps to study the human brain. |Which chemical or neurotransmitter|Expermental, trail and error. |
| |neurotransmitter might be activated when | | |is important for emotions and | |
| |people use coffee as a memory or | | |anxiety. | |