Meritocracy In America

Words: 542
Pages: 3

Meritocracy is a political system based on merit. Are positions hierarchical based on the worthiness conquered by virtue, talent, education, specific competence or fitness for a particular job. Also meritocratic often integrate the concept of talent with effort. United States is a country where people are judged on their individual abilities rather than their family connections (washington, 2004). The condition of your birth doesn’t determined the outcome of your life. The colonies were settled by refugees from Europe, everything started there, and Americans believed that equality of opportunity gave them an edge over the world (washington, 2004).

United states is a country where your dreams can become true, all immigrants have the mentality that USA is a powerful country, with more opportunities for every one it doesnt matter if you are men or woman. But the difference is that the immigrant people has to work more as an American does, American has always had rich and powerful families. Americans has better opportunities than immigrant they have the opportunities to choose they rights and what they want in life (WASHINGTON, 2015). if an immigrant want to archive their dreams they have to work for it for
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This is not the first time that America has looked as if it was about to succumb to what might be termed the British temptation. America witnessed a similar widening of the income gap in the Gilded Age. It also witnessed the formation of a British-style ruling class. The robber barons of the late 19th century sent their children to private boarding schools and made sure that they married the daughters of the old elite, preferably from across the Atlantic. Politics fell into the hands of the members of a limited circle—so much so that the Senate was known as the millionaires' club (washington,