Middle School Adolescents

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Young adolescents in middle school are going through a very crucial time in their life. They are experiencing many physical changes. Some adolescents feel insecure because they may not be developing as quickly. These children will become very restless at this time in their life, and it is important for middle school educators to recognize this. Most students are not getting the proper amount of physical activity that they need, and they are also making poor eating decisions. It is important for middle schools to provide healthy food and adequate exercise such as physical education class and recess. Many young adolescents are prone to eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia because they lack self-confidence at this age. It is important …show more content…
Educators should also be aware of this challenge and provide the students with informational seminars on saying no to drugs, alcohol, and sexual activity. The part of the brain responsible for reasoning is still developing; therefore, middle school aged children are not very aware of the consequences associated with their actions. They don’t understand why what they are doing is frowned upon. They are just living in the moment and only focused on themselves. They are living in a time where adolescents are told that they can do anything they put their mind to. They are very egocentric. As a future educator, I believe that I am aware of all young adolescents needs.

As far as the intellectual development of young adolescents, they are extremely curious. The middle schoolers want to engage with their peers during class time, and group work cannot be stressed enough in middle school classrooms. I have seen in my field experience that students should have at least two group activities, or they will not be able to concentrate when it is time to quietly listen or do work on their own. Students also want to do work that applies to their life and is relatable. Before every assignment, I will explain to my students why what they are learning is important for
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These characteristics include: valuing adolescents and being prepared to teach them, engaging with students in active purposeful learning, creating challenging curriculum, using multiple teaching approaches, sharing a vision, committing to life long knowledge and research on this age group, demonstrating courage and collaboration, ongoing professional development reflecting best educational practices, fostering purposeful learning and meaningful relationships, creating an inviting and inclusive environment, guiding every student’s personal development by an adult advocate, having guiding and supportive services that meet the needs of young adolescents, supporting health and wellness throughout, actively involving families, and including community and business partners. Research indicates that when schools use these characteristics, student achievement and improved development of all students is the