Migraine Research Paper

Words: 484
Pages: 2

Treating Migraine with safe and effective Homeopathic Treatment

Understanding Migraine
A large number of people these days suffer from chronic headaches or migraines which can be characterized by acute pain in specific parts of the brain. A migraine is actually a headache of varying intensity, generally accompanied by other symptoms such as sudden black-outs or blind spots, nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light and sound.
Causes of A migraine
Although the exact cause of migraine headaches is not clearly known, it is believed that some kind of abnormal brain activity leads to a migraine which causes the temporary alteration in the nerve signals, chemicals, and blood flow in the brain leading to acute pain in the form of migraine
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What triggers A migraine?
Even after many studies, the exact reasons for the migraine triggers is not exactly known but largely it is believed to be caused by the changes in the function of the blood or nervous systems in specific areas of the brain. Since it affects a significant number of people, a lot has been tried in the form of the cure.
Migraine patients can clearly identify the trends and patterns of the triggers which lead to these pains. Some of them are listed below:
Specific hormonal triggers such as during menstruation or menopause
Emotional stress leading to a migraine from depression, anxiety, stress etc
Certain type of allergies triggering migraines
Specific food items such as smoked fish, figs, peanut butter, dairy products etc
Significant change in the lifestyle including changed sleep patterns etc
Excessive tiredness, exposure to alcohol, smoke
Symptoms of A migraine
The most common symptom of a migraine includes
Consistent one-sided headache mostly of violent, throbbing and pulsating in nature
Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, flashes of light before eyes, blurring of vision, double vision, confusion