Modern Day Fairy Tale

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Pages: 4

Numerous old and even modern day fairy tales revolve around a happy ending and the hero being victorious. Throughout my childhood, every fairy-tale I have ever read has had a happy ending and the story is always pointed towards positivity no matter what. There is no problem with positivity and teaching children to be positive; however, I believe that these fairy tales are wrongly teaching young children that life is always positive and it won’t have any negativity. I think that the authors point the story towards positivity and happiness because they simply don’t want to disappoint the audience, who are primarily children. The concept of good vs evil plays a major theme the majority of the time in fairy tales; however, it wrongly teaches children …show more content…
Undoubtedly, it will make people reading fairy tales pleased because there is a happy ending, but at the same time it will mislead them. I understand the idea of having a good character beating a villain against all odds because it teaches children to never give up. However, it can mislead them to do things in life they aren’t ready for and the consequences may come harsh to them. I also think that just because someone is portrayed as evil, that doesn’t always mean they are evil; I think this because you haven’t heard their side of the story or what they have been through. Ultimately, the fact that the hero always wins and the evil character never has his own side of the story is my pet peeve because it misleads children to thinking that in life they can’t lose and life will always go their way. I also think that it may also mislead them to misjudging people wrongly without knowing their side of the story. This is far from reality and teaching these young children these ideas will not prepare them for the real world. Fairy tales should take this opportunity and use it to introduce children to different scenarios and teach them a variety of problem solving