I think it does, to an extreme degree. I love to think about the world and everything in it. Coming up with and or justifying crazy ideas like the universe is a living thing, we are nothing but our thoughts, or everything was created six minutes ago is simple to me. Scientific logic, especially with some of the complex ideas that come along with quantum physics and other theoretical scientific fields, is also another thing that is second nature to me. The emotional side also fits too; I feel separated from everyone else, a lot. Offending other people on accident because of some crazy idea that comes into my head tends to be something that I do …show more content…
I think about pretty much everything you can think of and more trying to imagine the craziest stuff. Half of the time I wish I could do something, be something, talk about something and it be absolutely stupid. When I say some of those ideas I tell myself that it is stupid along with others making me not want to share my ideas and giving me a more reserved outlook. This is what I would love to revamp about my thinking and personality is my want to share with the people around me. It would allow me to maybe get the support and encouragement to do something awesome later in life. These tests aren't wrong, most of the time. When they are, however, I think that people will start to see things that aren't there. Being told that something is there but you can't see it, especially by a survey that everyone seems to use, makes you second guess yourself. Thinking back, you could misinterpret certain reactions to an event; however, there is an undeniable truth to some of the results. While not to some of the extremes, how to deal with others and which careers to choose can be extremely useful not just for personal use, but also for use with