During the tenth-grade I read more book than I did in my whole life. I started to feel happy when I finished each book. During my reading session, I would start to have sudden eager to write my thoughts about the characters in the novels. I started to fix my relationship with the whole English language. I would spend hours during my summer vacation free writing, creating poetry, and stories. Years before I would have never imagine writing for pleasure. Writing helped me explain and relieve the stress I was holding within. I was afraid when I returned to school because I did not want to lose the relaxing connection I had with writing. I thought I was going to return to hate composing an essay. The result was how I expect, but it was different from the past. The writing I did my junior and senior year was more of a learning process. I still had to worry about grammar and sentence types; however, I still struggle with them, but every day is a learning process. People are consisting learning from their mistakes. I am not saying I am the best writer, but I do believe all good writing comes with struggle and determination to do better each