My Rhetorical Analysis

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Pages: 5

There was a time I believed that I wouldn’t be able to make it through the semester or when I was scared to turn in my papers, but here I am writing my last paper for the class. I made it and I succeeded. I have found pride in a few of my papers, but I also know what I can work on. I have realized what works for me and what doesn’t. This class has showed me many of my strengths and my weaknesses. I feel that this class has really helped me to grow as a writer and as a learner.
My Rhetorical analysis was the piece of writing I was most proud of this semester. Eight hours and three cups of coffee later I finally had a complete paper that I felt confident in. I struggled with forming content while writing this paper, which made it challenging
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Before this class I used to read the assignment, write a quick outline and begin writing my paper. This semester I learned it takes a little more than what I used to do. Now my writing process depends on the type of paper. I start by reading the assignment sheet for the paper and after I determine what I need to do first I start on that. I begin reading and annotating the articles that the paper will be based on and start to form ideas of what I want to focus on in my paper. Next I write down notes, ideas, and quotes I may use in my essay. After I have finished all of the reading and researching I form an outline. My outlines depend on the type of paper as well. If I am writing a longer paper my outline is more detailed, but if the paper is shorter it will be a very basic outline with little information. When my outline is completed, I begin on my paper. Starting my paper is always the hardest part for me. I know what I want to say and the ideas I want to share, but I never know how to put it in to words. I will usually sit in front of the computer crying until I decide it’s time for me to actually start writing. After I write my paper I give it to my stepdad, so he can edit and help me improve my paper. He gives me several tips on how to improve my paper and I believe that he has played a huge role in bettering my papers. Finally, I review, edit, and turn in my paper. My writing process really works for me, even though it takes me six to eight hours to write my