My Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 990
Pages: 4

Throughout this spring semester in English 102, I have learned a significant deal about my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing, along with my analysis skills. In my reflection essay, I will examine my writings from this course to see the ways I have improved my academic writing skills, my ability to analyze evidence, and ways I can further challenge myself in the future to better develop my papers. Through this course, my writing and analysis skills have greatly improved, and this course has prepared me for future writing. This course has made me aware that my writing skills needed refinement, and I believe they have improved through this class. While analyzing my first paper, the rhetorical analysis, I noticed that my focus and …show more content…
My thesis merely stated my essay's goal, rather than giving a roadmap to guide the reader through my paper. My original thesis stated that “Diving into the exploration of how her role as a young mother affects how her followers respond to her persuasive tactics will give us insight into how she makes herself credible in the digital space.” I would now reword my thesis to say, “Cecily Bauchmann uses persuasive tactics in her social media posts to make herself seem more credible and relatable.” This restated thesis clearly states my position, which is assertive and arguable. In my rhetorical analysis, I also did a poor job of intertwining my thesis with evidence throughout the entirety of my paper. Since my thesis was not clear, my topic sentences lacked direction and purpose. This caused a disconnect between my evidence and my thesis. In a sentence, I stated, “Bauchmann uses this phrase to tell her followers that these specific supplements have improved her life, specifically in her abilities as a mother.” In this sentence, I did not tie my example back to my thesis, due to its lack of strength and