NASA's past present and future has impacted the evolution of our race by far from mistakes to success every one of there options made a difference in today’s world.
NASA had many failures but sometimes failures lead to success. Think about the mars climate orbiter, in that case the scientists converted the units wrong. This caused the satellite to crash into another satellite. Then there was genesis designed to grab a piece of the sun, well the sun, it’s kind of blazing hot you can see where this went incorrectly . There was also the orbiting carbon observatory satellite would have been great but the gears got stuck and it never separated from the rocket. Lastly there was the Hubble Space Telescope it was great , but it needed better “glasses”. All that failure must lead to some kind success. …show more content…
There is explorer 1 , ah the first US satellite. There’s pioneer 10 it went to Jupiter through a huge meteor storm. The Skylab was the first rocket to hold us citizens. Finally, there was the mars pathfinder that returned 2.3 billion bits of data.
NASA’s thoughts on how to advance humanity.NASA plans to advance the human race by going to mars and starting human life there. They want to stop global warming so that life can continue on earth as well as on mars. They want to journey to mars by creating the mars lunar rover. If they want to get to mars they must perfect spaceX. Perfecting spaceX will involve finishing the heat shield, because moving at top speeds maxes things hot.
The Company wants to greatly advance human knowledge so that the human race can advance faster in the end NASA will help us get off this