Night By Elie Wiesel Research Paper

Words: 568
Pages: 3

Is Hope a Blessing or a Curse? Hope is seen as the light in the dark, as a wish that can be granted by God, but in reality, hope is a curse humanity must deal with. White people believe God has a written fate for them, they hope for God to rewrite their fate to be in their favor. Hope leads to an unrealistic view of life and overall disappointment when their hopes are left unanswered. Hope gives people an unrealistic view of life and will only lead to disappointment. Those with false hope have an unrealistic view of hope, and false hope is an even worse fate than not hoping at all. In Night by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel's people had hoped that they would be getting a better future by complying with their orders. By complying with what they said to do, ignoring all of their warning that could be said was given to them by the very god they later blamed for putting them in that hell on earth. …show more content…
Hope is like a wish, wanting something that is impossible or unrealistic. Merriam-Webster described hope as “...close to a wish: to cherish a desire with anticipation: to want something to come true” (Hope Article 1). Hope is described as a wish, it feels like hope is nothing but a wish. Wiesel had hoped he would never turn into a man who would abandon his father so he could live an easier life. He had made a wish to never turn into a horrible person. But what about the hopes and wishes of the evil people? Even the evil people in this world hope for something. Not every person hopes for something positive or good, some hope for the negative and bad. Should this mean that not everyone should hope, or that not everyone's hope in life should happen? Hitler had hopes of becoming an inspiring artist before he became the evil dictator he is now known