North Carolina Bathroom Bill

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Pages: 5

The idea of the gender binary which defines one as either a woman or a man has been ingrained in society all through history. However, “woman” is not a real idea, it is a social construct produced through relationships. (Wittig pg. 285) Gender is a cultural norm that most conform to and recreate through their expression of their gender. Gender is not the point where one starts, it is created by one’s display of their gender expression and this performance is guided by historical representations of man and woman. There is a possibility of constructing a new gender by performing a new act, many are discouraged are carrying out this act in the public world based on our previously existing norms and taboos. (Butler pg. 488) Interpretations of gender …show more content…
The North Carolina Bathroom Bill, commonly referred to as HB2, states that one must use the restroom that corresponds to the sex stated on one’s birth certificate. In this scenario, it is useful to consider what justice requires as there are many conflicting viewpoints that all are trying to provide justice for one group. By defining what justice calls for, a solution to the conflict becomes more clear as the rights of one group may outweigh the rights of another. When considering what justice demands in this case, one should consider the perspectives of the governments supporting the Bathroom Bill, the governments which oppose the Bathroom Bill and those who identify as …show more content…
By restricting freedom to use a public restroom, a government places enormous constraints on the freedoms of those individuals. Many have claimed this to be a violation of civil rights in accordance with Title IX , as well as the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act. These acts forbid discrimination and abuse on the basis of gender and clearly, the HB2 bill directly violates these preordained acts. The ultimate goal is full protection for the LGBTQIA community and this “Bathroom Bill” undeniably stands in the way of complete anti-discrimination. Furthermore, the entire entity of gender needs to be redefined and the complexities associated with gender identity must be taken into consideration. For example, the entertainment provided by drag queens, who are clearly dressing and acting in such a way that does not correspond to their biologically determined sex is typically found to be a source of amusement. Though people find entertainment from these individuals and do not have any cause for concern whilst they are on the stage, once one steps down from the stage and attempts to use the women’s restroom, conflict ensues. (Butler) People are accepting of the production as long as it is providing them with entertainment. Once the act becomes more about the individual’s feelings and their personal