Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

Words: 569
Pages: 3

We are approaching the final week of the course and unit 8 was a breath of fresh air in comparison to the other units. The reading assignment was not too lengthy, there was a discussion post and an assessment from the prior week. Along with a self-quiz and review quiz for the week. This was very beneficial for me as I was out of the country all last week. Catching up was not difficult when we returned. I had fun on vacation but back to the grindstone, right? Learning Guide As mentioned above, the learning guide outlines the workload for this week, as it always does. There was a peer assessment to complete regarding the neural network we created in the previous week. I learned a few things while assessing the assignment in week 7 and talked …show more content…
Reading Assignment: I had pre-downloaded the reading assignment to my iPad so I could read it during my vacation. We had gone on a cruise for my daughter’s spring break, and I knew there would be some downtime where I could do some reading. Most of the reading assignments were completed before we got back home, and I completed the remainder before the weekend ended. Discussion Post I had the discussion post started (drafted) before we left on our trip. We got back on Saturday afternoon and immediately dove into assignments across my classes. I was able to get this discussion finalized and posted by Saturday evening and then spent some time replying to my peers. Self-Quiz | Review Quiz I was able to access the Self-Quiz from the OpenLMS app on my phone while we were on vacation. This allowed me to complete the quiz before getting home. I then spent some time reviewing the reading material and past notes before attempting the Review Quiz. I did alright on the Review Quiz. I missed one part of the question. Unfortunately, it was a calculation error, but I’m not 100% sure what the error is/was. Based on the type of question, there is no answer given for