Nt1310 Unit 6 Lab Report

Words: 350
Pages: 2

Name _____________________________Moe____________ Date ___________
Period __6____

P.S. I don't know what this worksheet is about but I tried my best to answer these questions

Action Potential Worksheet

1. Explain how an action potential and graded potential are different.

Action potentials are depolarization events that surpasses the threshold. Graded potentials have depolarizations that stay below thresholds or hyper-polarizations

2. Describe the following in your own words
a. resting potential

The membrane potential of a resting neuron

b. depolarization

Reduction in magnitude of the membrane potential

c. hyperpolarization

Increase in magnitude of the membrane potential

d. repolarization

Resting membrane potential reached by outflow of k+ from axon
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The value where if the membrane voltage surpasses the depolarization it continues as a depolarization event which results in action potential

3. What triggers an action potential? What happens to the membrane to trigger an action potential?

Stimuli causes the voltage gated sodium channels to open depolarizing the membrane to a point above the threshold

4. What is a positive feedback loop? How does a neuron create a positive feedback loop?

The stimulus is increased in the response. It causes the bext axon to open up its gates

5. What is the role of the voltage-gated sodium channels for producing an action potential?

The gated channels allow the sodium into the axon which causes the membrane potential above the threshold

6. What is the role of the voltage-gated potassium channels?

Potassium gates close after sodium gates close too

7. What would happen if the voltage gated sodium and potassium channels opened
a. at the same