Much of this quarter focused on lab skills and we did experiments on titration, calculating formulas, flame tests, and using a spectrometer. During the 4th quarter we will looking at the topics of periodic trends, chemical bonding and structure, and organic chemistry. For all students reading the text of the chapter would be very beneficial before new material is started and when reviewing for tests. The topic test of atomic structure contained more conceptual information and less calculation than previous chapters. Kevin did well on some areas of the test but made some simple errors on other parts that caused his score to be lower than it should have. In order to be more successful he needs to focus on reading the question and determining exactly what is being asked for. During our class discussions Kevin participates, but also has times where he appears tired or unable to concentrate. When asked to try practice questions he completes them most of the time and often will come to the front of the class to help solve problems on the board. In our lab experiments he cooperates with his lab partners and is improving his lab skills and ability to follow directions. For his lab papers he sometimes needs reminders to submit the finished