Nt1330 Unit 1 Assignment

Words: 929
Pages: 4

1. Question: Why are databases the basis of businesses today?
Your Statement: Databases are the core of businesses. They can store and organize customer and client information as well as keep track of product inventory.
1. Date bases are widely used for storage of information. Not only do they store data, but also information used to manage the data.

2. Databases provide data continuity at all reference points.

3. With data bases you can grant and manage access rights. You can allow some employees access to certain information that others cannot view. This can protect the company and ensure security.
Conclusion: Databases are efficient because they can do many things at once by storing, organizing, and managing through a single
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Systems thinking is framework that shapes the way we understand and interpret data.

2. To be a systems thinker, you need to look at the big picture, consider issues fully, and understand potential consequences.

3. I am a systems thinker in certain parts of my life. With my education, I interpret how my actions taken can impact my results seen over time. Especially through this class, I have learned to find value in thinking strategies that foster problem-solving and encourage questioning.
Conclusion: Systems thinkers are constantly asking questions to interpret thing more in depth. What is happening? What is happening from other perspectives? How will it affect me/others? These are some of the questions systems thinkers ask, but they also understand that there endless possibilities.
4. Question: What are the key impact words in a resume or elevator speech you want the reader to see or hear immediately? And which is more important the resume or the elevator speech?
Your Statement: You use your elevator speech when meeting someone new, whether that be in an elevator, career fair, job interview, etc. It is a brief introduction of you, stating who you are and why you are
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Question: Why are spreadsheets the most powerful computer based tool we have for business?
Your Statement: Spreadsheet programs such as Excel provide templates for common business tasks, such as expenses recording.

1. The primary purpose of a spreadsheet is to store data in a structured way. Data values are entered into cells in a worksheet. These data values can be formatted using various categories of data types, including numerical and textual types. The cells in a worksheet can refer to other cells, using the location of a cell within the rows and columns in the sheet.

2. Once a spreadsheet has some data values in it, you can perform various analytical tasks on this data. This includes mathematical functions, such as adding or counting values. By entering a formula or choosing from one of many preset functions, you can analyze your data sets.
3. Spreadsheet applications such as Excel include tools for data visualization. You can take an existing data set within a spreadsheet and present it within a chart, with various types of graph and chart options to choose from.

Conclusion: All of these are extremely useful for businesses. Spreadsheets are great tools for data