Patient Assault Case Study

Words: 493
Pages: 2

Change is inevitable in the day to day lives of individuals and it poses a degree of trepidation largely because of the comfort that is acquired and the mastery that is gained after functioning in a role for a while. Change at an individual level is easy to implement, however, any change at an institutional level may be hindered or held back because of the agenda of any individual with authority, or an institution with other competing priorities. My plan on implementing the practice change will involve the presentation of current evidence on the topic to administration by comparing the dollar to the potential benefits and outcomes. My scholarly project change involved educating the nurses to increase the knowledge on a patient on patient assault in geriatric psychiatric facilities with the goal of decreasing incidence of assaults, modifying the environment and other modalities in place to decrease patient on patient assault. …show more content…
The average hourly rate for Certified Nursing assistants (CNA) at the Veterans Affairs hospital if $15 per hour. The VA hospital geriatric inpatient unit spends an average of $3,240.00 providing all round the clock one on one care for one patient during the 3 days that they are assaultive. This accounts for only the salaries of the CNA and does not account for any cost that may be incurred in treating patients that may become injured by other patients and other