Personal Affirmation Research Paper

Words: 1044
Pages: 5

I am from Salem, Oregon and I have been born and raised here. I was born at the Salem Hospital and have been living here since. Growing up, I moved around a lot, therefore, I attended four different elementary schools. Fortunately, when middle school came around, my parents decided to settle down and stay in one house for a while. I spent all three years of my middle school studies at Houck Middle School. Houck was an OK school at the time in which I attended. What I most admired about Houck was that I was given the opportunity to involve myself with music. In 6th grade, I joined the band and played the flute. I instantly fell in love with the beautiful sound that it had and I continued to play the flute throughout middle school as well as high school. I joined my high schools marching band my sophomore year and remains active in music ever since. Throughout high school, I was an active student, musician, and athlete. I decided to join the basketball team my sophomore year because I wanted to get involved in something …show more content…
Personally, the personal affirmation helped me a lot. My affirmation reminded me why I am here doing what I am doing. In situations where I wanted to give up, I would go back and read my affirmation. A personal affirmation to me is a plan that you make for yourself to reach your goal. My personal life plan has kept me motivated to reach for the stars this term. Another strategy that benefited me this term was creator language and creator mindset Overall, changing my mindset on certain situations lead to more positive outcomes. Prior to taking this course, I did not know the great affect that your mindset had on the outcomes of situations. Just by me having a creator mindset and telling myself that I will get 100% on my math test changed the scores I was receiving. To have a creator mindset means to have an open mindset. Believing you can be and do anything is being a