Personal Narrative: How I Became Me

Words: 449
Pages: 2

How I Became Me

I was one of those kids who always got picked on or called names. I was always called fat, because I was really over weight. I was also bullied for my lack of physical capability. I was a kid that sucked at sports and wasn’t fast or strong. I wasn’t really smart either; I struggled with my classes and didn’t really understand much. After working hard, I changed into a smarter and stronger person even though people see me as a different person.

To begin, my struggled to be smart began in my 4th grade year. I wasn’t smart and struggled really bad. I didn’t have good grades; I mean I had okay grades. I would usually have B’s and C’s but barely any A’s. I struggled in reading pretty badly because I didn’t understand some words or know how to pronounce them.During the summer of 4th grade and my 5th and 6th grade school year, I improved everything. I studied more, worked harder, and pushed myself to the limit. I would study math and vocab words to improve my reading and mathematical comprehension. I also started to put more effort into my schoolwork, homework, and projects so that I could get better grades.
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I would go for a mile and a half run each day and stretch afterward. I also joined Cross Country and Track to help me even more and to push myself a lot harder. During track i would have to run with the 8th grades and in CC too. In my school process i started going to higher math classes until i reached advanced math which was a