Personal Narrative: Why Go To College

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Pages: 3

So is college the right decision for me ? First, if I were asked this question three years ago, I would have responded “ No, I do not believe college is the right decision for me.” The reason as to why I would have responded no, is for the reason that I had the mentality that I was not intelligent enough to obtain an admission into a college. Also, I had teachers and some of my own family members telling me that college was not meant for unintelligent people like myself . However, over the past three years my mentality has shifted and I have a completely different perspective on college .At first, I believed working right after high school would be the better decision but after looking at all the great opportunities I could gain from college …show more content…
Then, I will be able to reinvent myself and find passions that I never knew I had. Furthermore , college is going to be the place where I can put forward all my strengths and prove that I am intelligent . In Why Go to College it states that “College is a time to test yourself and see what you can achieve” (How 2 Choose , p.34). Three years ago I would have disagreed with this statement but as of now I completely agree . College is a place where I hopefully will be able get a second chance to test myself and see what exactly I can accomplish if I put the time and effort into it. In high school , I have not really tested myself so college is the place where I can get the opportunity to challenge myself to see what I can truly achieve. Next in Why Go to College it stated “ and your parents should consider those four years as a lifetime investment,not just as annual expenses for job training” (How To Choose.p.34). Actually, I did at first think that college was only going to be a waste of money on training that I most likely don’t need for my career. However, I then realized that in reality I actually do need training to be able to work in the music